It means to see a white dress in a dream. Seeing yourself in a white dress in a dream. How did you get a dress in a dream

A white dress in real life and now is a symbol of purity, freshness and celebration. Usually a white dress is worn in very formal situations.

For example, the bride at the wedding is dressed in a white outfit. But don't forget that in many cultures white is the color of mourning. Therefore, if a white dress was dreamed in a dream, then you need to be very careful about the interpretation of the vision.

Why dream of a white dress - Miller's dream book

In Miller's dream book, the exact meaning of the white dress in a dream is not given, more attention is paid to its condition. If the dress is graceful and gorgeous, then you will be admired by all the people around you. But if the dress is torn, then you will be condemned for some actions you have committed.

If you try on a dress in a dream, then in life you may have a rival in love. If you bought a dress, the confrontation with your rival will be won.

Dreamed of a white dress - Vanga's dream book

Vanga also does not have a specific interpretation of the dream in which a white dress dreams. But there are two dreams that may involve the appearance of women in a white dress. Wedding and wedding.

A wedding, regardless of whether you are the main private participant of the ceremony or just a guest, means that in reality you will spiritually and physically become close to someone who is next to you. But to see a bride in a white dress is a hassle and the need to make a difficult decision in the near future.

Why dream of a white dress according to Freud

Freud interprets in great detail the dream in which he dreams of a white, more often a wedding dress. There is nothing surprising in this. A topic very close to grandfather Freud.

If a girl in a dream shows her dress to someone, it means that she is proud of her beauty and wants to demonstrate it to everyone. If a girl admires herself in a white dress in the mirror, then this is a desire for self-satisfaction. A rumpled and dirty white dress means disappointment in the love sphere.

What else can a white dress dream of?

In general, in other dream books, a dream where a white dress appears is interpreted very ambiguously. They also say that the one who sees a white dress in a dream will soon marry or get married. Other dream books report that a white dress is slanderous against the one who sees the dream. You should not be afraid, the person will be able to justify himself.

Be careful if you see yourself at someone else's wedding in a white dress. This dream predicts illness. But if you know the bride well, then don't worry. Such a dream is not a disease.

A white dress can also dream of troubles, both pleasant and not very pleasant. If a child is dressed in a white dress, then good luck awaits you in life for months, and possibly for many years.

It is possible that the dream in which the dress appears means only that you are constantly thinking about such a dress. It can be a "casual" white dress that you saw in a store, or a wedding one. Perhaps a young unmarried girl thinks a lot about the wedding, about which dress to choose. As a result, all this is "realized" in a dream.

But again, it's important to consider who was wearing it and what you or other people did to it. We present to your attention the most detailed interpretation.

Why dream of a white dress on yourself?

  • The most popular interpretation is to improve the moral character and respect of others. But all these changes are gradual, and the dreamer's authority in reality is achieved by long painstaking work.
  • A girl who tried on a light dress in a dream subconsciously wants to see herself in the role of a bride. But it can help and identify potential rivals who are most often participants in the dream.
  • Trying on a white dress for yourself, you need to try to remember whether it was yours. The alien will symbolize the transition of the owner's problems to the dreamer, mainly in the sensual and intimate sphere.

Seeing a girl in a white dress in a dream

The interpretation largely depends on the gender and personality of the person who dreamed. For example, for women it means optimism and ambition, and for men it means deception.

  • A man who sees a woman or a girl in a white dress in a dream can expect to soon meet his chosen one and start a long-term romantic relationship.
  • For women, sleep becomes the personification of secrecy and unwillingness to flaunt the strengths of their character.
  • For young girls or women, looking at a white dress and admiring its beauty can mean real worries about an upcoming wedding or other significant holiday.
  • Regardless of the gender of the dreamer, a bride in a white wedding dress has a very ambiguous meaning. On the one hand, it is the personification of joy and kindness. But you have to be careful, as virtuous qualities can be just a mask.

Miller's dream book

A well-known interpreter regards the white dress as an auspicious sign that promises a worthy assessment of work and respect from colleagues and friends, as well as the successful completion of the business that has been started.

  • Long clothes promise the fulfillment of what has been desired for a long time, and with recognition from others.
  • Seeing a beautiful light-colored dress before an important trip or meeting means that you will be very welcomed.

Other meanings

  • Mom in a white, not even a wedding dress, in a dream is a very important warning that in reality your mother can become seriously ill.
  • The condition of the clothes itself is also of great importance. Pure and white portends joyful events. But stains on the fabric mean that the sleeper's reputation will be tarnished.
  • In case you dreamed of a friend in a white dress, then you should expect that your friend will soon get sick. If in a dream you saw a little girl, then the disease may affect you personally.
  • It will be important for women who are fighting for the attention of a young man to know that buying a white dress is a very auspicious sign. He promises a quick victory over rivals.
  • A mother who saw her daughter in such clothes can be happy for her child. A dream portends a lot of new things for a girl: acquaintances, successes, events and even a completely new way of life.
  • In Vanga's dream book it is written that a white dress foreshadows many joyful events and meetings, and his fitting is soon news of a rival.

A dream in which the brightest and most memorable detail is a white dress is usually a good omen. White dress is a symbol of innocence and purity. Such a dream promises you getting rid of bad thoughts, spiritual growth and self-development. Your environment will not fail to notice your progress and will respect you more. If you dreamed about a white dress, it means that in reality you have stable moral qualities and are a deeply decent person. The dream of a white dress is interesting, but ambiguous. Let's take a closer look at what the white dress is dreaming of.

Wedding dress

If in a dream you had to sew a wedding dress made of white fabric, then the dream book warns: you are too fussy, trying to speed up the course of events, which negatively affects what is happening in reality. Why dream of a white wedding dress? Alas, if it is torn, looks sloppy, then the relationship with a loved one is on the verge of breaking, - the dream book hints.

The dream that it was you who put on the bride's snow-white toilet and admiring yourself, standing in front of the mirror, is a reflection of real excitement about the upcoming marriage. But something else is interesting: this plot in reality portends either a successful wedding, or that overnight you will wake up famous!

To see a bride dressed in white in a night dream is a hint: communication with a kind, cheerful, open person is ahead. But the dream book warns: in fact, this person may turn out to be with a "double bottom", that is, he only pretends, wears the mask of a merry fellow and a joker.

Male and female

The dream of a girl in white is interpreted in different ways, depending on who dreamed of such a vision. If this was the vision of an adult woman, then, according to the dream book, she is clearly ambitious and self-confident. But for a man such a picture promises betrayal, deception, warns the dream book.

Seeing a lady in a white dress testifies that the dreamer is honest and sincere. If he is single, he will either enter into a new romantic relationship, or return to the lady with whom he had ardent feelings.

Not to show your weaknesses, but to deliberately demonstrate emancipated views - this is what a woman-dreamer who appeared in white means.

Miller's interpretation

Why dream of a white dress according to Gustav Miller's dream book? To the fact that you have earned respect, authority through hard work, honesty. And yet such a vision predicts the successful completion of the business started.

A long white dress in a dream is a sign that you will get what you have dreamed of for a long time, but no longer hoped to wait. It looks like your work will finally be appreciated. Diligence will be richly rewarded. However, this may be stunning, but good news - this is what a white maxi dress is dreaming of. Moreover, this news will be more valuable than all the honors and praises addressed to you, - the dream book promises.

An unusually warm welcome will be given to those who in a dream admired a very beautiful dress made of white fabric. According to the dream book, the sleeping person will be surrounded by universal admiration, signs of attention and honors will be given to him.

To get a more accurate, comprehensive interpretation of what a white dress is dreaming of, remember how it looked. New, carefully ironed - a harbinger of great joy. But if in a dream you noticed spots on the fabric, then show restraint, prudence, otherwise conflicts with your beloved are likely, the dream book warns.

The interpretation of a dream about a wedding and a newlywed in white is advice not to be isolated, to go out more often, to communicate.

You clearly adore being in the spotlight, shining - this is what the white dress you wear is dreaming of. Just remember, the dream book advises, that bright personalities attract not only admirers and admirers, but have enemies and envious people.

A white dress made of guipure (lace) marks a quick joy in reality in a dream. It can be a long-awaited date or a holiday.

Dreamed of a friend in a white outfit? Unfortunately, in this case, the dream book warns that a friend may have health problems.

To see in the night phantasmagoria not only a snow-white wedding dress, but also a veil has to people who very soon will begin to perceive everything that happens in a different way. There will be a revolution of consciousness, worldview, - the dream book explains.

In a dream, did you try on a white dress? It seems that you really want to find a faithful life partner, to get married. By the way, this plot will help you find out if you have any secret rivals in reality? If other women, girls, familiar to you were present in the night vision, then the competitor is one of them.

Why dream of a white dress belonging to another woman? If you also put it on, then such a vision, according to the dream book, is a rather dangerous signal, warning that you can plunge into the problems of the real owner of the outfit. Potential troubles are more likely to be associated with personal, intimate life, the sphere of feelings, emotions.

You will rejoice in your daughter's success if she appeared in a dream wearing a white dress. The dream interpretation believes that your child will have a lot of new opportunities, connections, useful acquaintances and interesting proposals. This interpretation is especially accurate if this plot is dreamed of by a woman.

For young girls and boys

If a young girl dreams of how she puts on a white dress, it means that in reality she will be successful in amorous affairs, there is a chance of getting a marriage proposal. Details are important in a dream. They will help to more clearly interpret the dream. For example, if the dress is luxurious, then in reality your marriage will be long and happy.

A clean, neat dress in a dream promises joyful events and the realization of your plans. If the dress is dirty and torn, failures and minor troubles await you that can darken your life. To notice in a dream a stain on a snow-white dress - to gossip and gossip. Also, a dream can portend quarrels and misunderstandings in a relationship with a loved one.

If an unmarried young man dreamed of a girl dressed in a white dress, the dream reflects the seriousness of your intentions. You should decide to take a responsible step and take your personal relationship to a new level.
If a guy in a dream sees himself in a white dress, the dream portends shame and humiliation. Be careful and watch your reputation.

If in a dream you saw yourself in a white dress, the dream book considers this dream as a sign of progress in spiritual growth and promises you the respect of others who cannot help but notice the changes that are happening to you. The dream also testifies to your moral purity.

What is the dream of a white wedding dress, the dream book does not give a clear answer. The dream in which you sew a wedding dress suggests that you are too forcing events, which is what block the fulfillment of desires. A ruined or sloppy dress can be a harbinger of breaking up.

The dream in which you happened to see a white dress in a dream, admire its beauty without taking any action, the dream book considers a reflection of your real experiences about the upcoming wedding. The dream allows two options for the development of events: either the wedding will be great, or you will become famous.

According to the dream book, a bride in a white dress is very meaningful dreamwhich has a double meaning. On the one hand, the bride symbolizes purity, kindness and joy. On the other hand, the dream warns that the best human qualities may be just a mask.

What a girl in a white dress dreams about depends largely on the personality of the dreamer. For a woman, a dream personifies her optimistic and ambitious moods. For a man, such a dream can mean deception.

If a man dreamed of a woman in a white dress, the dream reflects the sincerity of his intentions. For an unmarried dreamer, such a dream promises the beginning of a new romantic relationship or the revival of time-tested feelings. If a woman had a dream, the dream book sees here a habit of not flaunting her strengths.

As Miller's dream book interprets, a white dress can be regarded as a good sign. The dream promises popularity and respect of others, a high assessment of the results of work, and the successful completion of the case.

What a long white dress is dreaming of will cause you considerable surprise. The dream promises that you will finally get what you never hoped to wait for. Your personal qualities or achievements in any area will be universally recognized. The dream suggests that perhaps you will hear the news, which will be beyond praise for you.

The beautiful white dress that your dream is about means that you will find an unusually warm welcome. The dream suggests that you will be admired and will show all kinds of signs of attention, respect and hospitality.

Why else dream of a white dress in a dream

In order for the interpretation of the dream to be accurate, it is advisable to consider a white dress properly. If it is new, clean, neat, the dream promises a joyful event. Spotting on white fabric can damage your reputation so badly that your relationship with your loved one will suffer.

Interpreting why a wedding is dreaming, a white dress on which is an indispensable attribute, the dream book recommends the dreamer not to lock himself in four walls and go out more often. Sleep means that otherwise, an important event or fun party will pass without you.

The dream in which you are lucky enough to wear a white dress reflects your ambition. The dream book rightly notes that you like to be in the spotlight and shine with your successes. The dream warns that you may have not only admirers, but also envious people.

A white lace dress seen in a dream promises that you will soon have a reason for sincere joy, a real holiday. Sleep means a long-awaited meeting, a date. With whom exactly - the dream book does not specify, let it be a surprise.

What is the dream of a friend in a white dress, the dream book interprets not very encouragingly. Sleep means that a friend may have health problems.

A dreamed white dress and a veil means that in the near future you will have a joyful event that will not only deliver pleasant moments, but also turn your worldview around. The dream says that you have to reconsider some of your views.

Trying on a white dress in a dream personifies your secret desire to see yourself in the role of a bride. Sleep helps to identify potential rivals, in most cases they become participants in the dream. At the same time, the dream book considers measuring a white dress in a dream not so harmless entertainment.

If in a dream you happened to try on a white dress, make sure that it belongs to you. Putting on someone else's clothes in a dream, you take on the problems of its owner in real life. Since we are talking about a white dress, the dream book suggests that problems may be related to the sensual and intimate sphere.

Why the daughter in a white dress dreams, the dream book explains the novelty in all its manifestations. The dream promises her daughter new acquaintances, new successes, new events and even a new life. If a woman had such a dream, this fact confirms the meaning that the dream book offers.

Dream interpretation dress white

Why dream of a white dress in a dream from a dream book?

A dream about a white dress foreshadows the receipt of a marriage proposal or another, no less joyful, event.

You have to do a common thing with those who in the future can become your close friend and reliable assistant.

Who did you see the white dress on in your dream?

Seeing yourself in a white dress in a dream

Seeing yourself in a white dress - according to the dream book, means a fun pastime with friends. You will be able to have a good rest, recharge with positive emotions, communicate with like-minded people.

Why dream of a girl in a white dress

Why is a girl in a white dress dreaming? A negative sign promising a deterioration in health, illness. Such a vision portends the approach of sad events, grief for the dreamer.

Woman dreamed of a white dress

For a woman, a white dress in a dream is a harbinger of an improvement in her financial situation. Expect funds to come from an unexpected source that you did not consider to be profitable.

What did you do with the white dress in your dream?

Buy a white dress in a dream

Dreaming of buying a white dress - to joyful events, pleasure. Will be able to find mutual language with a friend or lover with whom a quarrel came out, along the way finding out that the conflict arose from scratch.

Measure a white dress in a dream

I dreamed about trying on a white dress - soon you will receive an invitation to a fun gathering. This will cheer up and distract from problems, you can relax and unwind.

Wear a white dress in a dream

The dream in which you put on a white dress is a reflection of serious ambition. You like to be visible and talked about. But publicity has a downside, don't forget.

Why dream of a white dress? The dream interpretation gives the answer

Why can a white dress dream? Miller's dream book gives an interpretation of the best changes in your life that will be noticed and appreciated by others.

General definition (P. Globa)

If in a dream you saw a simple white dress, the dream book deciphers this as moral purity, sinlessness, a noble deed committed the day before. An action that will raise your status in front of your coworkers, friends and family.

A long dress is a long-term spiritual growth, a chain of good deeds in the present and in the future. And also your aspirations to improve. A short one is one action, but of such deep meaning that it will be remembered for many years.

Torn clothes

If you see a torn dress (white), the dream book speaks of breaking off any relationship, love or friendship. If you tear your clothes, then the quarrel will happen on your initiative, but most likely on the wrong premises. For example, a slanderous slander against this person may be false. If someone tears the dress at you, it means that a loved one will leave forever, betray.

A dream where the hem of a long dress is cut off to change the style can mean a sharp change in your views on a dubious event. There is also a difference between a torn and cut garment. Torn sloppy means unexpected changes, and cut specially for improvement appearance is the desire to correct mistakes through an apology and a good deed.

Psychologist G. Miller

Why dream of a white dress? Miller's dream book gives a positive interpretation and promises success in business, a good deal, positive reviews and recognition from the authorities. If you see yourself in a dress from the side and you are pleased to see this picture, then expect a decent reward for your work. But apart from you, for example, in a shop window, a dress may hint that the award is worth earning.

Plain white with no embellishments is the hidden admiration of fans. Beautiful, shiny, with flounces and rhinestones - success and an opportunity to be in the spotlight. An elegant dress on another person is a desire to be in his place, which, most likely, will come true. To throw away is to refuse well-deserved compliments, to be modest.

Psychologist Z. Freud (dream book): white dress

May mean that the woman is pleased with herself. Especially in appearance, figure and facial features. Wearing is a desire to attract attention to yourself. Hidden clothes are hidden desires. If the dress is neatly folded, then the girl is not yet ready for an intimate relationship and decided to wait for further developments. Crumpled, dirty white clothes are an insult to the opposite sex.

Selling a dress or giving it away according to Freud means giving up a relationship with a specific person. To buy is the desire to win someone's heart. Finding is a dream about a non-existent prince, whom a woman invented due to the lack of new acquaintances.

Dream interpretation: white wedding dress for the newlywed

Before a joyful event, seeing yourself in a wedding dress means that someone is cheating on you. Bad news will arrive soon, the fulfillment of the prediction should be expected in the near future. Perhaps at the wedding, the details of the groom's secret relationship will be revealed, an unexpected rival will appear. It can also mean betrayal of friends and family.

The second interpretation is more natural and less formidable. A wedding dress before the celebration can be an omen that the girl was simply overworked the day before and is too worried about her fate. In this case, you just need to rest and calm down.

Actions in a dream

Clothes can not only be worn, they are given, washed, sewn. What this means will be explained by the dream book. Seeing yourself in a white dress and at the same time running away from someone means hiding from difficult problems, hiding from insoluble problems. Most likely, this is the right action, since you are in white, which means that you consider yourself right and run away from a bad and evil attitude.

Running after someone - trying to correct the unpleasant opinion of others about yourself, to convince, to achieve justice. Burning white clothes is a hot offense at unfair words, betrayal and infidelity. Sewing a wedding dress - to rush things, to force them. This can be a blockage of secret desires and lead to dire consequences, up to illness or a nervous breakdown.

Emotions in a dream

It is worth paying attention to what emotions you experience in a dream, the mood gives clear definitions of the future, which the dream book can decipher. Getting married in a white dress and feeling joy is an unhappy marriage. Family quarrels and infidelities will haunt you throughout your life together.

Crying at a wedding, on the contrary, is a joy. Fighting - to doubts about loyalty, kissing during a wedding - to treason. Seeing someone else's wedding in a dream means imminent marriage. Seeing your own is an unfavorable image. This is to death, illness, the rupture of old relationships. Wearing a white dress means being in the near future (the next three days) in a situation where you will feel extremely uncomfortable.

Changing the prediction

Dreams are part of our life. If they promise trouble, then you have the opportunity to play it safe, to change your future for the better. There is a ritual, the performance of which will help to avoid a bad prediction. To do this, you need to sew a couple of buttons from the inside with red threads. The bright color will scare off bad luck and give you confidence.

Seeing a white dress - most often means success and attention, so as not to frighten it off, try not to force events. And also always remember that your future depends only on you, and no dreams can change it.

I dreamed of a dress - to receive good news, pleasant events. What happened will give a lot of positive emotions and positive thoughts. You will only think about pleasant things.

What color of dress did you dream about? What did you do with the dress in your dream? What dress did you dream about? How did you get the dress in your dream? What kind of dress did you dream about? How many dresses did you dream about? Where did you see the dress in your dream? Who did you see the dress on in your dream?

What color of dress did you dream about?

White dress Red dress Blue dress Black dress Pink dress Green dress Yellow dress Light blue dress Purple dress Gold dress

Dreaming of a turquoise dress

A turquoise dress seen in a dream means in reality to become attached to someone, being dependent. However, this addiction gives you extremely pleasant emotions.

I dreamed of an orange dress

An orange dress is dreaming - pay attention to your behavior. You should keep calm, less rude. The desire to attract attention and profit will lead to trouble over time.

Seeing a lilac dress in a dream

If you dreamed about a lilac dress, in reality you will suffer from negativity. You should not think about the bad and throw out the accumulated aggression on others. It won't make anyone better.

Dreamed of a multi-colored dress

A dream about a multi-colored dress is a harbinger of quarrels with relatives. Their main reason is likely to be different points of view on the current situation.

Dreaming about a brown dress

Why is the brown dress dreaming? A dream indicates that you are more busy developing your body, and devote less time to your soul. You should not leave the spiritual side of the personality without development.

What did you do with the dress in your dream?

Try on a dress Choose a dress Wear a dress Sew a dress Give a dress Iron a dress

Look for a dress in a dream

Looking for a dress in a dream - in reality you will also search, but not a dress, but love. She will eventually come by herself, intensified attempts to find her will not lead to any results.

What dress did you dream about?

New dress Long dress Pretty dress Torn dress Children dress Dirty dress Short dress See-through dress Puffy dress

I dreamed of an old dress

I dreamed about an old dress - an alarming sign. In reality, the financial situation will noticeably deteriorate. Because of this, troubles and frantic attempts to restore their capital will begin.

Dreaming of a shiny dress

The dream of a shiny dress reflects the desire to live in grand style. This desire is quite feasible, but it takes effort to make it a reality, waiting alone will not help.

Why is someone else's dress dreaming

Why is someone else's dress dreaming? You will begin to tackle the problems of your loved ones and for this you will give a lot of time and effort. Moreover, you will do it of your own free will, despite the fact that the results may not meet expectations.

How did you get the dress in your dream?

Buy a dress Give a dress

What kind of dress did you dream about?

Evening dress Ball gown Lace dress White wedding dress

Dreamed of a prom dress

A prom dress dreams of a slight deterioration in well-being. Try to be more attentive to your health, but if you could not save it, do not hesitate to see a doctor.

Dreaming of a wedding dress

I dreamed of a wedding dress - a vision favorable in all respects. It promises pleasant experiences and happy moments in life. You will be able to take advantage of fate and meet new people.

How many dresses did you dream about?

Many dresses

Where did you see the dress in your dream?

Dreaming about dresses in the store

Why dream of dresses in the store? The dream is a reflection of emerging perspectives. There will be a chance to change your life or accept a tempting offer. Take the chance while you can.

Who did you see the dress on in your dream?

Dreamed of a girl in a dress

Felomena's dream book considers a girl in a dress as a harbinger of new acquaintances. Seeing her in a torn, untidy or dirty dress - in reality you will face lies, slander and negativity.

Why is a girl in a dress dreaming in a dream

A girl in a dress seen in a dream should be evaluated according to several parameters, and first of all, you should pay attention to the dress. If it is beautiful and clean, new acquaintances and fun parties are ahead. A torn, dirty dress is a symbol of trouble, lies, gossip and rumors. The color of the girl's dress in a dream is also of great importance. So, a green dress in a dream symbolizes hope, red - honor and respect, gray - hard work, golden - happiness, which influential friends and patrons will help to find. A girl in a wedding dress in a dream is a symbol of imminent changes in life, which can be both positive and negative.

Dream interpretation, explain to us: what is the dream of a bride in a wedding dress?

Why is the bride in a wedding dress dreaming? Such dreams are seen both by future grooms and brides, and simply by women, men and even small children. It is curious that most of them are simply sure that this is a kind of anticipation of an imminent marriage. However, everything is not so simple.

What is the dream of a bride in a wedding dress: general interpretation

Why do girls dream of a bride in a wedding dress?

Let's sum up

Whatever "wedding" dream you see, know that in any case, the bride in a dream is always a bright sign, regardless of who sees her: a man or a woman, children, old people ... If you do not pay attention to possible negative the nuances of this dream, then a woman in white is a symbol of purity and innocence, all light and beautiful!

Interpreting a dream in which you see a girl in a wedding dress should be based on several factors.

First, it is the degree of familiarity with her. If this is your friend or relative, you probably want to make some changes in your life, and you are sure that this girl should take part in them one way or another.

If you dream of an unfamiliar girl in a wedding dress, then you should pay attention to it - how beautiful, rich, how decorated it is.

Based on this, conclusions are drawn about future probable changes: will they be pleasant or will have to go through some trials.

Why dream of a beautiful white wedding dress on yourself?


Isabella Marie

A new dress means the beginning of a new life, new acquaintances, new incidents. This dream is especially significant for girls.
Moon dream book

Gold dress - envy; stained - trouble; new is wealth; matted - annoyance; leaky - trouble.
Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Wearing a dress is a success; buy - to envy; wedding - illness; rich - a quarrel; embroidered - joy.
The newest dream book

A dress for a woman, if she tries on it, promises separation or a quarrel with her beloved man; a man buys - the wedding will not take place in the near future, he sees a wedding dress on a woman - an affair with a married woman.
Family dream book

If a young woman saw a beautiful dress in a dream, in reality she will cause general admiration.

But a torn dress portends her condemnation for unlawful behavior.

A woman trying on a dress in a dream will unexpectedly face a rival in love. But if she dreams that she lost weight in order to put on a dress, she will get rid of her rival and achieve the love of her chosen one.
Slavic dream book

To see a red dress on yourself - to tears.
The interpreter

A red dress - to have a dream book on you foreshadows sorrow and tears.
The interpreter

To see an ordinary dress does not have any special meaning; to see a rich dress on oneself promises honor and elevation in ranks, to the poor - misfortune, and death to the sick; to see a dress soiled or torn on oneself is a sign of sadness and misfortune; to wear a new dress - portends joy, profit and success in business; to see your dresses on fire - means boredom, slander, insult, loss of litigation and a quarrel with friends; to see a dress of light and bright color on oneself - portends an elevation in dignity, an increase in fame and an increase in wealth; to lose a dress means to lose honor; a woman's dress to have a man on herself means deception, and a woman to have a man's dress on herself means a temptation.
Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Wearing a good dress in a dream is a sign that you will be given some kind of honor, very expensive - to envy, trouble, dirty - to displeasure, shame, a leaky one - to trouble, lies, embroidered - to joy.

A very long dress is unexpected, a short one is a sign that you will receive a gift.

A matting dress - to annoyance, from paper - to profit, a wedding dress - a sign that success awaits you in business; funeral - to a new friend.

Having a large neckline is a sign that changes in everyday life are coming.

To buy yourself a silk dress in a dream means that because of your mistake or stupidity, you may become dependent on a very dangerous and scary person.

Seeing a blue dress in a dream is a sign of mental suffering.

Wearing a green dress in a dream - fortunately, such a dream is especially favorable for girls - it is a harbinger of happiness in love, mutual understanding with a loved one, and imminent marriage.
Dream interpretation of Azar

Yellow dress - envy, lies; heavenly or green dress - your desire will come true; black dress - sad news.
Dream interpretation of lovers

If a girl dreamed of a well-tailored dress, this means that representatives of the opposite sex will admire her.

The torn dress she dreamed of - portends that the beloved will condemn her actions.

Trying on a dress - dreaming of the appearance of a rival in love.

If in a dream a girl follows the figure in order to put on the dress that she likes, this means that she will achieve a reciprocal feeling from the person with whom she is in love.
Dream interpretation horoscope

The dress is beautiful - to the envy of friends.

Wedding dress - for an imminent wedding.
Dream interpretation for the whole family

To dream of a well-tailored dress from Thursday to Friday is a meeting with former classmates.

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Sunday to Monday, in which your dress is torn, portends reproaches for unworthy behavior.

If in a dream from Monday to Tuesday you are trying on a dress, this suggests that you have a rival, which you will learn about from the people around you.
Dream interpretation for bitches

Olya Panina


NeW important

as far as I know, this does not bode well (white clothes always lead to illness, etc.) .. but you can interpret this either by what you see in reality, or just think about it

Rita Vladimirskaja

Bad sleep to illness

Mila Pretty

disease .... take care of yourself and your health!

Ushakova Tatiana

To a painful experience or to an illness.



Hello! Tell me please? I had a dream about me standing with my mother on the balcony and a girl dressed in white comes to me, but it was not a dress. She walked with such a look as if she wanted to do something to me, I tell my mother you see her says see I say close the door quickly and all I woke up. What could this mean?


Hello, can you explain what the dream is about? dreamed.white girl and black.white life as if she helped mom and aunt and at the end gave 2 silver chains and two gold crosses. and the black one wrapped the butoh sister and said that she would hang herself, what is it for?


In a dream, I called my English teacher to agree on additional classes (we communicate well with her), at that moment she was studying with another girl, we began to negotiate, she asked me something, and at that moment in the background the girl said "We can do it!" and then the dream jumped to another place altogether. The teacher was walking along the road already to the house (she is pregnant), it is dark outside, there is no one around, and a girl in a white long dress comes to meet her, it looks more like a shirt, hair to the waist, dark , her face is white, barefoot. She stood in front of the teacher's face and said something, smiled a little sly and disappeared, the teacher was like a zombie, then she did not understand anything, and quickly went home, and then the background, this girl in white followed it is very striving.
My teacher is really pregnant, I communicate with her very well, value her, pay a lot of attention, she is like a friend to me or even like a mother.


Hello! I dreamed of an unfamiliar beautiful brunette girl in a white dress, who repeated one phrase: "Feel how cold I am"


I dreamed of a girl in a white skirt and a T-shirt on the bus, and I admired her slender figure, she got off at the bus stop and continued to admire her in the window until the bus went further.


For the third time in a row, a girl in a white T-shirt, a blonde, has been dreaming, in her last dream she tried to seduce, as it were, but I did not succumb to the temptation, the main thing was that I had never seen her face.


It was night I was standing with a friend near my grandmother's private house, suddenly a friend went into the house for some reason and several girls walked past me, one of my three, one stopped and waited for me to approach her, realizing that I would not come, she herself came up to me and offered to take the flower of my mother and stepmother, I did not take it here I turned away at first there was a black car behind me and bam it disappeared, I turn my head again and together with this girl there are already three children, two on the left side of her and one on the right holding her by hands are trying to approach me, I told them not to approach and drove away here she again invites me to take this flower, I refused and went into the yard to the house and after me her cheerful laughter, I don't know this girl and have never seen this girl.


I saw in a dream a girl of about 12 or 11 years old she was in a white dress and had a wreath on her head; she had light brown hair; blonde and blue eyes; she smiled at me and ran and I ran after her and then she stopped and I really wanted to hug her and I hugged her then she disappeared. I don't know what it is.


i sleep on my right side and I feel that the curtains begin to move and a girl in white comes down from the windowsill and stands next to me and is silent.


I walked with my girlfriend by the hand. she was in a white dress with brown flowers, we felt good and calm, she smiled, walked as if on fluffy white clouds, I don't remember anymore.


First the road. Then they sent me along it and at the end I saw three girls I knew, they were friends with each other, but I knew one of them for a week. They were in white dresses and were sort of returning from prom. Then someone jumped out of the window, who exactly did not see or I do not remember.


I dreamed of my house where one half was celebrating the wedding. another funeral. My girlfriend was in a gorgeous white dress and was preparing to go to the wedding. But I chose the part of the house where the funeral was held. This part was divided by regions, i.e. a person from Syzran could sit in the part of the house where the Syzran sign was .. Just don't laugh for a long time))


Hello! Tell me please. I dreamed about the road, the day was sunny, bright. By the road there is my former business partner in a strange white dress and a white scarf on her head, with her little daughter and suddenly my eldest son sat down at her feet and started doing something. Smiling maliciously, he looks at me and cuts the gray toenails and moves his legs towards him. Immediately, my deceased mother crosses the road and does not quite look at me. My mother died half a year ago. Thanks.


i dreamed that I was in an unfamiliar place completely alone, the dream was not colored, I suddenly saw a girl in white. I did not speak to her and did not contact her at all. saw her in the distance and from the back


A former employee came to the office, she quit with a scandal, we quarreled on this basis, now we do not communicate, and now she came all in a white, stylish white coat, white high boots. I didn’t scandal, I greeted her, offered coffee, she agreed then I don’t remember


As soon as I fell asleep, I saw the swamp in which the girls were standing. There were many of them and they were all in white dresses. Not wedding, but simple summer dresses to the knee. They were all young and their hair was dark. But their age was different. I look at them trying to get out of the swamp, in which here and there were trees, and I can only see them up to the hips, when they try to get out, then I look, and they are already running and I look at them from behind. They all hold onto their dresses, lifting them up. I woke up and fell asleep as usual. Everything repeats itself, but there are fewer girls. And so several more times. It really scared me.


I walked past the shopping center along the alley, and my classmate, a girl, all in white and athletic, white sports leggings up to her knees, a white T-shirt, with a funny face, white sneakers, she had a ponytail on her head, ran next to her, she turned around as she ran past and smiled


My brother was fishing. I fell into the water. I was standing on the shore. When he began to swim up to the shore, a girl in a white dress, with a white bandage over her eyes slowly began to emerge from the bottom. Next to him, but he does not see her. I became loud screaming to make him look around. But she suddenly began to shake him from behind. He was in a fever! I stopped screaming and she stopped shaking. And so several times. Then I pulled his hand and she disappeared under the water.


i went with my wife to the dacha with an overnight stay, went to bed about one in the morning, I fell asleep right away, my wife was watching TV. That evening I dreamed of a girl all in white and with dark hair. When I opened my eyes I saw this girl standing near the TV. In the morning I woke up I saw that my wife was sleeping on another bed, I asked her why she lay there, she replied that when we slept, supposedly, some girl lay down in the middle, she felt cramped and she lay down on another bed. That's what happened.


Good afternoon! I had a dream on Sunday that my friend (Oksana) was sitting in a long white embroidered beautiful dress and was going to wear one earring and a ring. I ask her why one (after all, usually two are worn), and she says: So fashionable! .. I say, well, if you only do your hair to one side, and I myself think how she will put on this one earring and try to imagine the image ... does this dream mean? and our common friend recently had a dream that this same friend (Oksana) is getting married, that she is having a wedding (although she is married and she hasn’t seen her husband in a dream), but it’s as if the tables are standing along the street (but she’s not I saw them covered), and Oksana was sitting at the table chatting with her friends, and in her wedding dress she did not see her.


I dreamed that my grandmother had died, for some reason the coffin was in the school in the class where I studied in elementary school (1st-2nd grade) walking with my best friend to say goodbye to my grandmother. Sobbed very much. The friend was for some reason in white. Then it turned out that my grandmother was alive.


This dream was had by a friend of mine who likes me a little. He got a little scared and immediately informed me, although we had been in a half-quarrel for a month.
To dream that he is in the forest, like from a horror movie, naked black trees, densely overgrown, fog spreads along the bottom. He walks out of the forest towards the chapel. She, in fact, is almost in a swamp, also gloomy. He looks at the swamp, foggy vapors billowing thickly above him. As I understood, somewhere in the center of this "beauty" I am lying in a white dress, unconscious. And ghostly hands (dark) reach out to me from the swamp (she specified, it was ghostly, not the dead). How he got to me, therefore, he did not specifically describe the swamp, but when he began to lift me into me, these hands grabbed and he had to pull me out with force. Then he lifted me up in his arms and carried me to the ground by the chapel. I put it down and saw with horror that I was not alive, but not dead either. Terrified, he woke up. I had a dream on 19.09 on Friday, in the afternoon, after lunch (I don't know the exact time), 26 lunar days.


Hello Tatiana! I saw my beloved woman in a white dress, we met and kissed so eagerly…. I want to understand why such a dream ... we have not seen her for two months! Thanks in advance


i don't remember at first, but it all started with the fact that I talked with an old friend (in a dream it seemed to me that we had known each other for a long time) in life, I don't know her, we were talking and suddenly she said that with me, that it’s wrong, I didn’t pay attention, I went home, when I went to the mirror, I saw that I was standing in sunglasses, I seemed to take them off, went to bed, I’m sleeping, I’m thinking that I’m sick (I also remember this feeling, similar to too much with alcohol, although I did not drink) then I fall asleep further, wake up from an incoming message (and yes, I slept for some reason in glasses), there comes an SMS from this friend so that I do not look back, I am naturally undermined, but with me that something is wrong, I don’t understand what’s happening around me, or rather I don’t understand what’s wrong with me, I go to my mother’s room, I reach the kitchen, I try to close the door behind me, I see a little girl in a white dress, and not this scary one like from many films , abnormal, but I'm still scared, I hit her in the face, but it seems to my mother that I cut the air and hit the door (she went through it, as it were), then I wake up already in reality ...


i found a photo on which my young mother and sister were in white dresses, and under the photo was glued another photo of some old woman


blonde girl in a white blouse and short skirt. we went with her by car to the store. In the store we got lost, I was looking for her and could not find her. then I saw a fight on the street and the car was also white in which we arrived, someone took


hello! My name is Irina!
I am married, I dreamed that I saw my sister in a white dress as if she was having a wedding (she is not married yet) we were celebrating in Murmansk, where we used to live, and I go up the stairs, too, in a white wedding dress


Hello, the day before yesterday I saw our neighbor in a dream, but she had already died, she was about 100. I was in their yard with my brother, and she looked at me through the window in a white dress and waved her hand to me, she smiled a little.! And after 2 days, I saw in a dream as if I was at school and my friend ran up to me and told me our physical training teacher died! And I started crying in my sleep!


Hello, today I dreamed of a girl, all dressed in white, white-skinned (I myself am very white in skin type), with bright lips and eyes, terribly similar to me, but only with long hair, she stood in a white light or background and stared on me..

maybe it will somehow help, but yesterday I broke up with the guy, he called me by another name and there was a scandal.


i slept on the cravat and she took the skirts and pulled me to the Shiba, but I tried to wirvats, but then my dad lay down in a dream, and she told me why I want to replace myself to give another and my dad woke me up


I really hope that you will help to understand the meaning ...

Yes, the essence is this, I dreamed of a former girlfriend, not just an ex, but the one I still love. At this point in time, the time has passed twice as long as we were with her, but still only warm thoughts about her. We parted on my initiative. Lives in another city, we don't communicate at all.

The essence of the dream is as follows, like she gives us a lift in her car with my current wife to our tram stop, and when we got out, I remember that I forgot my hat in the car, and on the street it seems like spring, it's warm, but I understand that the hat needs to be taken, I say to my wife, she says well, take it ... went to pick it up and find ourselves already at the next stop (just the dream has changed abruptly) and my ex is in a short white skirt (although she did not wear a skirt before), the skirt is white-white, all snow-white, the former stuck with his heel in the grate on the ditch, I will help her get out, but I myself understand that my wife is waiting for me at our stop, I say so and so, I will go quickly on the tram to my stop.

I go into the tram, the first door and am amazed, there is a partition on the steel part of the tram and in this part, a young puny, like boarding school, practically children, and I see that one korman climbed up to me, I caught him by the hand, did a hit on the head ... I think that for a long time we are driving to the stop, I knock on the door and when it opens I see that I was not at my stop, but even further left one of my own and I think everything is kapets, my wife will definitely not believe that this could happen (a tram with a partition that stops only on demand and, in addition, went in the wrong direction in which it was supposed to go, but in the other)

As a result, I get out of their tram, go to the side of the road (the road is 10-15 meters away) in order to get on a minibus and a military armored vehicle flies along the road at high speed (110-120 kilometers per hour) (some kind of newest, which are not in reality) and here the alarm clock rings ...


i dreamed of a girl from work, she was in a white dress with elements of black emphasizing the contours of the dress. The dress was short. She looked at me and smiled. what is it for?;)


i had a dream in a white dress and she said that someone in your family would die and my mother died and she said wash three times and look in the mirror and see your mother I tried a hundred times but did not see. send SMS to the number 89263129065 and you can only not call quickly


My friend stood on the porch in a white dress and called me (with a wave of my hand), I could not reach her, since there was a large massive gate on the way. [email protected]


The events take place on the beach (sandy beach) of some kind of body of water, either the sea, or a huge lake. I am standing on the shore with someone, I don’t remember with whom, but I am inclined that it was still a guy. We are standing closer to the water, and from the opposite edge of the beach (that is, farther from the water) girls in white dresses begin to approach, the dresses are a bit like wedding dresses, but still not quite wedding dresses, they are just white dresses made of beautiful light fabrics. The girls came out like this, as if it were slowly dancing and began walk in a crowd towards the city, from the beach, I followed them, walking behind admired them and their outfits.


I dreamed about the corridor of my apartment. It was night. In this corridor stood a girl in a white dress and with black long hair. In a dream, I felt fear and despair. There was a faint glow from the girl. She began to approach me. I started screaming and calling for help, but there was no voice.


I am in a dark and cold large room suddenly from somewhere a girl in a white robe did not see her face suddenly she kissed me in my soul it suddenly became good and calm when suddenly a noise was heard and as if we were beginning to be covered with darkness she grabbed my hand and somewhere we the darkness ran, everything was catching up with us, we were at a dead end and there was no more way out, the darkness covered the girl and she disappeared and I woke up. What is it for? the wash away of this dream has been torturing me for half a year


i was in an unknown hostel, in the room on the floor there was a body covered with a woven path, I took off the coverlet, and there the former (separated for 3 years so-called) in a white wedding dress with a bare left breast, smiles pulls her arms, I hugged her and kissed her her. all awakening.


I dreamed of a woman I knew. She was in a white dress (not a wedding one), a dress about knee length, with beads, beautiful. From the neckline, her breasts were clearly visible (rather big, by the way). I complimented this woman in a dream, they say, you look good, but she did not believe me


i play a team online shooter I lag behind all the players I have ammunition end, but the characters that need to be destroyed are a lot, they are all as intended, they are muted in a pale color, I find a box of cartridges, but the weapon is not reloadable. A solider girl, 1.5 meters tall, a pale face, a pale dress with a cap, I shoot at her point-blank, but she doesn't kill a magician, she grabs me by the throats, I wake up RS GIRLS ON THE FACE OF ANY IMOTIONS


My grandmother saw me in a dream in a white robe. A daughter came to me, she was looking for me, I was hiding. Not finding me, she left. What does this dream mean? Grandma says it’s not good. I’m scared.


My friend dreamed of how an earring removes panties from a classmate of Yulia Raguli, and then Katyukha comes out in wide trousers and a bra, and then a dick, she is wearing a white dress. But that was before that. When I was in Zil. And there is a flower, and a pool, she comes up to me shorter and then intermittently.
Help me understand. And then finally, some kind of fucked up ...


She seemed to be following me and appearing in various places.
She was a brown-haired woman with bright red lips and large gray eyes, wearing a pancake white dress on the floor.


Hello! I dreamed of an acquaintance with whom we do not communicate at all in a white dress with a guy, he was in a suit, and I was happy and waved my hand to her, as if I was leaving somewhere.


Hello! A friend of mine had a dream, in this dream she saw me with a guy in a white dress, I was very happy and waved my hand to her, as if I was leaving with nm somewhere. Tell me, why?


I dreamed of a girl in a white dress, I looked at her and thought how beautiful she was where she came from, and behind her appeared a girl in black and I was very scared.

[email protected]:

Hello! I dreamed of my lover's family, that I was at his house, children were walking there, my lover came out of the bedroom and put on me a very beautiful red short dress like a ball gown embroidered with pearls on the sides and next to him his wife came out and put on white the dress and stands next to him and says that she bought it to seduce her husband, the dresses were both short and like a ballroom and there were still a lot of cakes in the house, I took off the dress and was going to leave, he takes one cake and sits on the sofa and waits for me and his wife says that he will stay with them, she bought a dress and will wear it for him to remind him of the wedding, and he seems to think that he will buy it for me and is waiting for me to leave with me with a cake. And at that time, my wife left somewhere and did not appear in the house was gone and the children were walking and helping me to find my phone.


I dreamed of a girl in a white dress, with black long hair and red lips, she was standing somewhere in a meadow, the sky was clear, and the meadow was green. But I dreamed of two girls, the second girl looked like the first, but I don't remember what she was wearing, and where she was, I only remember that they were in different places


A girl in white came and held out her hand to me. Please answer what it is for thanks in advance


Hello, I had a classmate in a dream. She was in a short white dress. And I don't remember what the raid was. Then she walks by. At this time I touch her on the shoulder and ask how is she doing? She says that everything is fine, but for some reason she looks tear-stained. He says to me that I have not changed at all. And silently leaves. After that, I looked in the mirror. And I saw that she was wearing tastelessly. I was wearing a yellow long dress. And black shoes are not new. And on top of the dress there was a long gray bone, it seems. What does it mean? Tell me please!


I dreamed that I was an acrobat. I am wearing a white fluffy wig, white beautiful makeup and white, very beautiful performance costume. I performed all sorts of difficult acrobatic actions and in the end, I jumped off something high and landed successfully. I made a graduation gesture and smiled happily.


we broke up with the guy, but since he will call me often to have bad dreams .. Once I dreamed of a woman as if attacking him in the form of a big black worm, and I killed her .. And after our last conversation, I had a dream as if we were standing near cemeteries and he says he really wants to die. I stood next to him in a white dress, hugging him and said that it was too early for him and that he had to live ..


I dreamed about my friend in white, I had a fight with her for a month already, she was with a doll, also in white, she said something like: "do not forget me", and I replied: "I certainly will not forget", because she is a lot once set me up in different situations.


Hello Tatyana, I dreamed of my beloved girl in all white only on a whale and there was a warm coat on her head, well, there were three black petna on them when she saw me from running from the window she was scared of me what does that mean


I dreamed about a friend! She is now, in real life, in a position like me! I dreamed in a white lace dress with red underwear! And bragged about this very dress in my house! At that time I was doing something in the bathroom! There were a few more friends! With whom in real life we \u200b\u200bdo not communicate!


I’m sitting at school, in my opinion there is an exam in literature I’m asked to compose a poem about love without hesitation I answer love is stupid without love there is no relationship and then the dream ends abruptly at school a white light shines very very brightly and a woman in white appears and says you passed the test says follow me we are going through the tunnel there are very bright 2 wide glass pillars and she says choose love or feeling I say love because without love there are no feelings she says think everything


My friend came to my mother in a dream in my white coat

Naciba- ona moya doch:

Ya videla bivsheqo parnya on menya tyanul za kist ruki A potom uvidela yeqo podruqu s druqim parnem Ona \u200b\u200bbila v belom platye iu neyo bila svadva s novim parnem Moy bivshiy mne skazal za toboyqsya t sleju occha pecha menya struya vodi nachala litsya


in the doorway I saw a girl in a white savona and it seemed to me that it was a daughter. I became very scared. I started screaming, but I couldn't hear my own voice. This girl was walking towards me. When I heard my voice she was gone


I had a dream like this. It seems that I am in another village for a funeral, and there I met Sney. Her hair is white and she is dressed all in white, then she disappears. After the funeral I met her again, and so I woke up.


A girl in a white dress with a hood stood next to my bed and asked: Boiling water? I got scared and woke up!


Hello! My son dreamed of a girl in white, her face was not visible, she gave him a towel to dry off, as he came out wet from the lake. Please tell me what this could mean?


I dreamed of my friend, she was in a short white dress, in this dream she said that my dad told her where I was (dad died 3 months ago). Then we talked to her and she left.


Today, a classmate wrote in classmates (social network). I did not communicate with her for 7-8 years. That I dreamed of her in a white wedding dress.


I dreamed about a girl whom I saw in real life several times. She was in a white dress, rather in a wedding dress, but without a veil, while she was pregnant. We were in a place where there are a lot of green trees.


I dreamed, a girl with an incomprehensible face in a white dress, ran across the road and looked at me and said: "Thibault, Thibault, Thibault." And only I saw her


Hello. I dreamed of a girl in a white dress, or a nightgown to the floor (not Samara from the call)) She appeared in my apartment. And I tried to approach her, but it did not work, as soon as I approached I immediately fell exhausted. Then her image changed, she was already in simple clothes, but I could not come up, even when I came up all the time it seemed to slow down, and she either left me or stood still. But she did not move in my direction.


Resnilsa dream. A girl in a white dress and next to a Dog a healthy face. Black Scalils as if smiling and a body that is white and black.


To dream of a girl in a white long dress with bottom black hair


in a dream I dreamed that the girl I was asking the Lord was visible to me in a dream in a white jacket I saw her up to her waist it could be seen she smiled and looked into my eyes but everything around her was dark


Today I dreamed of a girl in light red hair and she begged not to kill her. She grabbed me and bit me. Then I screamed in my sleep and woke up at 0:03 Some other guys 2 and 2 girls were girls with short hair, and the guys were blond


Hello, I dreamed that someone brought me to the cemetery and there was a church nearby, and when I wanted to approach the church, a little girl in white ran to me from the cemetery, what scared me a lot, what could it mean?


Good time! I will tell you about a dream that I had just a couple of hours ago. I was in an incomprehensible city, roads made of hard clay and stone houses with beautiful stone arches! I understood that I was in another country and knew such a thing that in my country, in my the city will have a gay parade tomorrow. It suits me, does not even fit, but as if a girl is floating in the air, she was wearing a snow-white dress, the dress was unusual, it was knee-length and looked like a hoodie and hair, this girl had amazing hair color, they were gold with white flashes, she came up to me and asked what we were going to do with this gay parade, I told her that we would burn them, she laughed and disappeared, I walked around this city and went out to the square, it was round and there were stone steps along the edges, as I understood it was something like benches, because on these steps there were people and some of these people I knew, there was my acquaintance and his girlfriend. I began to approach them and then that girl appeared again in b With a bare dress, she came up to me, took my hand and led me, we went up to these steps and sat down, silently looked at each other, then she said something to me, but unfortunately I do not remember what, I remember that her voice was a little rude, but she was very joyful and cheerful, then we kissed several times and I moved to another city. Then I immediately realized that this was Russia, but it was not my city. And I saw that a gay parade was starting, I went to them , apparently wanted to offend these people, but then another friend of mine comes up, grabs my hand and says that it is not worth it and asks me to go with him, we cross the road, go into the courtyards and I see a building, in shape it resembled a crescent and there were three doors and I saw this girl in a white dress as she entered one of the doors, I followed her, went in, saw a large room in the style of ancient Russia, a huge table and people were sitting at it quite in modern clothes and were discussing something, but this the girl was not among them. I went out into the street and began to ask people about her, whether they saw her or maybe someone knows and saw another person I knew, I went up to him and began to ask about that girl and in a conversation told him that the day before we were in the Czech Republic and there I met her and would really like to find her. And then I saw her among people, she turned in my direction, smiled and I woke up! I was very puzzled by this dream, it was a reality, I felt myself and everything around as if it was happening not in a dream but in the real world, although who knows maybe dreams are a second life ... I would very much like to know what this dream could mean! I'm still worried, I think that she wanted to say something, but at the same time she was kind of playing!


Hello! the daughter had a dream, the woman in white says that there will be no happiness for her in life, and the deceased grandmother is driving this woman away from her daughter


I dreamed of a colleague in a white dress, sat down next to me, looked at me ... then a space, I don't remember what happened ... then she appeared in a green dress, again looked cute, said that she was offended at me. I like my colleague. I had a dream on Saturday to Sunday


I dreamed of a colleague a little older than me, a nice sweet girl, I like it moderately, I dreamed in a knee-length white evening dress, the dress was pure white with a moderate decalte, in the first such dream


dreamed of a young daughter with a baby in a gray blanket in her arms and next to a girl 5 years old in a white dress. it was raining fine, I was leaving on the tram, and they were waving at me

Julia I:

I dreamed that a girl in a white wedding dress passed me by and then I tell this to my friend she says that it was death that came for you


During the week, the same dream is dreamed. A girl in a white torn dress, pale, very beautiful, with red lips and blue eyes, touches my cheek and I wake up. before that, she says, "Don't touch her, otherwise you will suffer."
I have not slept for almost a week, she gives me half an hour or 40 minutes and touches.
The worst thing in this is that I always have a lucid dream, but here I am not able to resist her. I think I'm going crazy, help me understand what it is.
Thanks in advance!


i dreamed of a girl dressed in a white dress entering my window, I kicked her out, but she entered anyway. the two were young and beautiful


My grandmother dreamed of a girl in white, then took her hand tightly and evaporated. What is it for?


i dream that I am asleep, open my eyes and next to me is a girl in a white scarf and dress, with her back to me, I did not see her face. Maybe it's a woman, not a girl. The face is not visible. But in a dream, I realized that she was not dangerous. And I woke up.


Hello! At first I dreamed of work colleagues, then in the room I see some unfamiliar thin man playing with a little girl in a white dress, then she puts him on her knees, blindfolds him and begins to choke him with a white cloth or ribbon and begins to strangle him. I’m trying to scream or move, but I can’t, although I’m doing my best. And suddenly another girl in a white dress or nightie with black eyes without pupils appears in front of me and looks at me, as I understood or warning me not to interfere, or that She sees me too. I could not scream although I tried. I woke up with a groan and as if pushing off with my hands.


i saw my girlfriend in a white dress and smiled and jumped happy


I dreamed about my friend's house, I looked into the room and saw a girl in white and blond hair


i dreamed that a girl of about 16 or 18 was running, I don’t know I would eat if I stood on my feet but she didn’t get caught up I started to run but all white clothes who is the spirit of Sonia this truth is she


at night I felt that the blanket was being pulled from me from below, opened my eyes and saw either a girl or a woman dressed in white, she was thin, stood slightly bent over and threw the blanket off my feet, I said through a dream “why are you doing this? ”, My voice was not natural, like some dracula's. I noticed that my wife woke up next to me and immediately fell asleep, I also abruptly "passed out". (I haven't watched horror films for a hundred years).


[email protected]
Hello. I don't know if it was a dream or if I saw her in reality. It happened tonight. I dreamed of a friend, I woke up abruptly (it was night, the room was dark, the curtains were closed and the outlines of the furniture around were slightly visible), I opened my eyes (I lay facing the exit from the room, I sleep with my little son on the same bed, and my husband is in the hall separately from us) and saw the silhouette of a tall young girl in a long white robe, her legs not touching the floor. The moment I saw her, in the same position, facing me, she moved to the side of the hall where her husband was sleeping, disappearing from view behind the wall. Naturally, I got scared, started reading "Our Father" and could not sleep for a long time, feeling that someone was in the apartment. I cannot understand: either it was a dream in a dream (i.e. I dreamed that I was sleeping - I woke up - I saw a girl and then I woke up for real, or it happened in reality). Maybe it's funny, but I believe in "something like that." And today a friend called me, said that the day before yesterday she saw me in a dream in a coffin, but I was alive, we both cried, she told everyone that I was alive, but those around me said that I was dead. We shouted, asked not to be buried, but they did not listen to us. I tried to get out of the coffin, but it didn’t work, something prevented me and held me.


i saw my friend in a place that had sold out, she was in a white dress, it was summer June


i dreamed about my last apartment, completely painted in white and in the middle of one of the rooms there was a girl soiled in blood, while she was eating a baby.


i was in my house and saw a girl and she had a candle and then she disappeared and various ghosts began to peer out from around the corners and then I saw death with a scythe


i dreamed that my girlfriend took a boy who I liked it was already dark outside I was crying because of betrayal and I met two small children on the playground, they held hands and took me to their home, they had a large family and I played with the children and I wanted to go home and I was going to the exit and near the door there is a room on the side and I go and hear one two three and at three I decided to stop and a fat girl with black hair and in a white dress flew out at me and she also had a black spot on face and she said I would not go to these numbers in your place and I ran back to the living room and screamed, but the children were no longer in the house, they seemed to disappear and I was left alone with this woman and I wanted to kick her but did not kick I woke up ...


I dreamed of a girl in a white dress, not in a wedding dress, but in an ordinary one. She stood with her back to me and cried. It was so realistic, it even seems to me that I saw her face, but unfortunately I do not remember it, then I was thrown out of my sleep.


Hello. My name is Vladimir. One night I had this dream: I, my wife, my parents and my brother are sleeping in the same room. I slept separately from everyone. Suddenly the door opens and a large woman in all white appears. She looked around all the sleeping people and fixed her gaze on me. Then she tore off one blanket from me (I was covered by two) and disappeared.


i dreamed of a woman in white standing on a blast furnace and covering me with a white sheet


i had such a dream woke up in tears. I’m walking down the street with a brit 6 years old and I don’t understand something on the cham the girl is hanging there is no face visible only a white dress and bare feet and my mother tells me to knock down the coffin and go to bed I’m in shock

Naivety, freshness, purity, virginity - that's basic symbols of white clothes... However, some dreams may indicate an impending illness. It all depends on the context in which the outfit is viewed. It is important to take into account even the smallest details of the dream, for example, whether there were stains on clothes, as well as who exactly had this dream - a girl, a woman, a guy.

A dream in which you saw yourself dressed in a snow-white dress indicates the growth of your spiritual self. You cleanse yourself, you become better internally, get rid of unnecessary thoughts... Those who are next to you cannot but see it.

Soon those around you will look at you in a new way and start to respect much more.

If you dreamed that you carefully look at and think about how beautiful it is, but do not rush to put it on, then you are very worried in real life, worried about how your future will go. A dream can portend either that the wedding ceremony and the subsequent festive celebration will be held with a bang, or that your own name will sound soon.

If you dreamed of a girl dressed in a white dress, and you yourself are a woman, then you are a born optimist, and you have high ambitions. If a man has such a dream, he will soon be deceived.

If a man saw in a dream a woman wearing a snow-white dress, it means that he is very sincere, and everything that he does in life is from a pure heart.

A man free from family ties can expect new love... It is also possible that an ex-girlfriend or spouse will return to him.

Miller thinks the white dress is a good symbol. It foreshadows the successful completion of hard work, fame in wide circles. If the dress in a dream was long, you will soon be able to realize your old dream. People around you will appreciate your wonderful character and skills.

The dream can be interpreted as follows: big news is comingwhich will give you a lot of pleasant impressions.

A lovely white dress promises a warm welcome. They will start to admire you, start courting you, make compliments, invite you to visit. If there were no stains or holes on the dress, you will soon be pleased with good news. If the spots were still present, it is possible that there will be a conflict in family.

If you wore a white dress on yourself, the dream speaks of your leadership traits. You love being in the public eye, showing off your accomplishments, and getting praise.

Be careful, as people who envy you may appear nearby.

If the dress was laced, you will be incredibly delighted with some news. Emotions will simply go off scale, and an ordinary day will turn into a holiday. You will be asked out on a date, or you will simply meet someone who will be pleasantly surprised.

Did you dream about a friend wearing a white dress? Visit her: she is obviously not well. ? You risk ending up altogether heap of problems, and imposed on you by other people. Most likely, the nuances will relate to sexuality and feelings for a partner.

You are in a wedding dress - what does sleep mean?

If in a dream you were sewing a bride's dress for yourself, the vision indicates to you excessive haste in business. There is no need to speed up the process of achieving what you want, otherwise the dream will not come true at all. Give it time and then it will come true. If your wedding dress was dirty or torn, be prepared to be separated from your loved one.

If you saw the bride or you yourself were her in your dream and seemed to be looking at yourself from the outside, you can interpret the vision in two versions:

  • There will be kindness and bright feelings in life;
  • Everything good that is in a loved one turns out to be fake.

If you see her main attribute - a snow-white wedding dress, the dream advises: stop being so withdrawn, communicate with people more often and walk. The dress together with the veil symbolizes a fun event that awaits you.

If in a dream you put on yourself, it means that in real life you dream of getting married. Pay attention to the girls and women who were present in the dream: they can take away your future spouse.

The dream book, written from the words of the healer Akulina, interprets the meaning of the vision in which you saw the white coat.

If the gown was a medical gown, it means that you will show all your qualities and skills to overcome the difficulties in life, and you will succeed. Another meaning is you awkward to make contacts with people around you, start communicating with strangers.

Try to drop your fears, free yourself from complexes and open up to the world. This will give you the opportunity to cope with different problems and make your life much better.

A white robe without a single spot is a dream of good. The presence of stains and dirt indicates the difficulties ahead. A dressing gown can signal an approaching illness: get tested in a hospital, take care of your health, give up bad habits.

A white suit seen in a dream indicates that you are worried a lot about the upcoming business or event in which you are about to participate.

According to Miller's interpreter, a man who sees himself in such an outfit will suffer losses.

If you try on a men's white suit for yourself, then everything will be great on the love front. Wearing a friend's suit? Get rid of phobias urgently, be more confident.

If the white suit was old-fashioned, fortune will smile at you, but on one condition: you must follow all the prescriptions of life. Well, if the suit, on the contrary, was modern, get creative... It will bring you popularity.

Profitable connections, unforgettable risky adventures await you. According to Medea's dream book, a suit in a sporty style promises good luck in business.

In the plot of the dream - you are in a white scarf

Putting on a white scarf on yourself? Expect great news. Life will change soon, but these changes will only benefit you.

If in a dream a white scarf was on another person, it is likely that he will be ill. The Ukrainian dream book believes that this piece of clothing portends the receipt of a postage from good news.