Beech is an excellent material for stairs. Wood species Features of working with oak wood

    Macrostructure indicators. The number of annual layers per 1 cm of the cross-section of the forest beech is 4.5 and the percentage of late wood is 30%.
    The microroughnesses remaining after the surface treatment of beech wood, like many other scattered vascular species, are 30-100 microns, which is approximately two times lower than that of oak.

    Physical properties

    Humidity and related properties. Freshly cut beech wood has a moisture content of about 80%. Maximum moisture at water absorption is 120%. Beech, like oak, belongs to strongly drying out species. Tangential shrinkage of the early zone of the annual layer is 11.4% for beech (pine - 6.7%; larch - 7.8%; oak - 8.4%), late zone - 11.8% (pine - 7.5% ; larch - 9.4%; oak - 9.8%).
    Average values \u200b\u200bof the shrinkage coefficient:
  • radial - 0.17;
  • tangential - 0.32;
  • volumetric - 0.47.
Beech wood is less prone to warping and cracking during drying than oak wood.


Beech is a medium density species. The average density of beech wood at standard moisture content (12%) is 680 kg / m ", absolutely dry - 650 kg / m", basic density - 560 kg / m ". The air permeability of beech is more than an order of magnitude higher than that of oak core wood.

Mechanical properties

In terms of strength properties, beech wood is practically not inferior to oak. Here are the averaged data on the mechanical properties (GSSSD) of beech (standard moisture - 12%).

Tensile strength

  • with static bending - 104 MPa;
  • when stretched along the fibers -124 MPa;
  • when stretched across the fibers - | 12.5 MPa;
  • when compressed along the fibers - 53 MPa;
  • when chipping along the radial plane - 12D MPa.
The modulus of elasticity in static bending is 14.1 GPa.

Technological and operational properties

  • impact strength - 7.6 kJ / m 2;
  • hardness: face - 65.1 N / mm 2; radial - 53.2 N / mm 2; tangential - 49.5 N / mm 2;
  • microhardness: early zone - 57.0 MPa; core rays - 84.2 MPa;
  • impact hardness - 0.96 J / cm 2;
  • wear resistance (abrasion): cross section - 0.10 mm;
  • radial - 0.17 mm;
  • tangential - 0.14 mm.
This is comparable to that of oak, ash and larch.

Beech according to European standard EN 350-2: 1994 belongs to the group of unstable species (pine - moderately resistant, oak - resistant). According to the hardness scale adopted in Russia (the unit is the hardiness of linden sapwood), beech has the following characteristics: ripe wood - 3.3 (heartwood - 5.2), beech wood sapwood - 2.5 (ash wood sapwood - 4.6 ).

Beech wood is more susceptible to fungal attack than oak wood. Beech absorbs moisture from the air more strongly, which is why the exterior decoration of houses is not done with beech. Nevertheless, beech wood lends itself well to processing, it can be coated with a variety of paints and varnishes and various protective substances.

Scope of beech

Beech wood has a rich texture, it is easy and well processed, therefore it has always been widely used by furniture makers. Austrian furniture manufacturer Michael Thonet has ensured immense popularity of beech products. His famous Viennese chair made of bent beech wood became a record holder, and probably no one can beat this record. Fifty million of these chairs have been produced worldwide.

Thanks to the elegant beech parquet flooring, the atmosphere in the room becomes discreet and noble. The light pink shade evokes amazing feelings of warmth. The beech flooring has a simple and noble structure, which is an excellent finish to any interior. Beech wood parquet is quite popular in Europe precisely because of its unusual structure.

In addition, due to the pleasant warm shade of wood, it is used for the production of small items, for example, tool handles, etc. Beech is also indispensable for obtaining excellent sliced \u200b\u200bveneer. For this, mainly large assortments are used. Beech is used in the production of barrels because it is strong enough and bends easily. High-quality charcoal and other forestry chemical products are obtained from it.

The main features of beech

Beech wood has a fairly varied range of colors - from pale pink to off-white. To give the wood a more uniform shade, the beech is pre-steamed. Otherwise, the texture of the wood will turn out to be too variegated. This whole procedure takes almost three days.

Beech wood strongly absorbs moisture from the surrounding air, the craftsmen even called it "capricious" for this, and some even called it "nervous". In order to protect the product, use special varnishes and other protective equipment. Beech is characterized by high wear resistance, therefore, it is very often made from

Beech and oak - hardwoods belonging to the same biological family. Their wood is very dense, which is of great practical value. But in some properties of these rocks there are noticeable discrepancies.

General information

The plants in question are long-lived beech trees. Their types are quite common in the Northern Hemisphere. Beech and oak are of great benefit to man. In particular, they are a source of high quality timber. In both plants, it, having a homogeneous structure, is well processed. This is what a beech might look like:

Beech wood

And this is an oak tree:

Oak wood


Drawing and coloring

Both types of wood have a pleasant texture and color. Beech is notable for the fact that the lines of the annual layers in its tangential section seem to be strewn with well-visible inclusions. The color of this breed is very diverse. It may tend to be peachy, pinkish, or yellowish. An exclusive is the red-brown wood of centuries-old specimens, which is considered very valuable.

The color range of oak is also wide. It ranges from a light golden hue to taupe and deep brown. During operation, such wood, as a rule, darkens, due to which products from it take on a somewhat antique look. However, beech can also change color over time.


From external decorative features, one should move on to characteristics that are of practical importance. It is worth noting here that when discussing different types of wood, it is the strong and reliable oak that is taken as the standard. This material is shock-resistant and durable - it is not for nothing that original oak structures have survived from ancient times. It is logical that the prices for timber with such advantages are quite high.

Cheaper beech is presented on the market as a worthy alternative to expensive oak products. It is practically not inferior to its "competitor" in terms of basic qualities. Moreover, after special processing, some indicators of beech are noticeably improved, and it can become even stronger than oak. However, this breed loses in some ways.

The difference between beech and oak is the degree of their resistance to moisture. Water is harmful to the structure of beech. In addition, this wood is vulnerable to fungal attack and mold. Fortunately, artificial impregnations are salvation, protecting such material from damage. The oak itself is waterproof and immune to biological destructors. Such protection is provided by special substances in its composition.


In connection with these features, the beech requires, in a certain sense, more delicate handling. So that the wood of this species does not lose its advantages, it is impractical to use it without thorough impregnation, for example, as a decoration for the facade of buildings or for arranging rooms such as a bathroom.

In such cases, oak is the favorite. It is from it that baths and garden pavilions are built. Semi-finished products from such wood can be safely used for the construction of strong building frames and exterior decoration - this material is not afraid of frost or drought. Among other things, oak has long been used for the manufacture of barrels: such products are absolutely not harmful to the dampness of cellars.

But inside buildings, in rooms with low humidity, both breeds are equally good. Beech, as well as oak, is used for countertops and classic furniture sets, stairs and parquet floors, interior doors and veneer for coatings. Both types of wood soften after steaming. Moreover, beech of two species is more flexible, therefore, elite curved furniture is often made from it.

What is the difference between beech and oak? In the atmosphere that they create in the interior. Elegant beech visually refreshes the space. Its energy is warm and soft. Oak embodies discreet luxury. With him in the surrounding environment, nobility and aristocracy reign.

Oak is a deciduous plant of the beech family that grows mainly in the northern hemisphere. In total, there are over 600 varieties of it, 19 species grow in our country, among which the most common is the petiolate or summer oak. It grows mainly in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus and in the Crimea. Summer oak wood is distinguished by its special strength, beautiful texture, frost and drought resistance. In general, oak differs from other tree species in size - the height and thickness of the trunk. Wood is strong, dense, and therefore wood has a lot of weight. It is worth noting that oak wood is considered the standard, and the characteristics of other species are often compared with oak.

Oak wood is very expensive and this is understandable by the features that the material has:

  1. Oak planks are the strongest, densest and most reliable among competitors, thanks to this, durability and ability to withstand heavy loads cannot be compared.
  2. This wood is much less afraid of moisture than other tree species due to natural impregnation with tannins - substances that protect against decay and the harmful effects of microorganisms.
  3. The specificity of the oak structure. Due to the high porosity in the process of board processing, some difficulties arise. Fast drying is also extremely undesirable for oak, as cracks may appear. Wood can only be coated with the most resistant varnishes; oil stains can appear.

Due to its high quality indicators oak board found wide application in many areas. To begin with, we note that dry oak board, due to its ideal structure, has practically no flaws, propeller effects and bends, it can be used even for the most difficult construction works, since oak is able to withstand serious structures. The main material of oak is edged and unedged boards.

Trimmed or planed material is made from a log, and its side edges are cut from the bark. The width of the edged board is usually twice the thickness. Edged board is used mainly in furniture production and finishing works, and unedged board is used in construction.

In general, oak boards are very valuable in construction: they are used in the construction of building frames, in parquet, joinery and furniture production, for finishing works, in the production of windows and doors. Due to the moisture resistance, oak boards are used for the construction of premises with high humidity - baths, swimming pools. Houses, in the construction of which oak was used, have good sound insulation, retain heat for a long time and have a long service life. A beautiful bog oak with a dark gray and black color, which is obtained by aging oak for a long time under water (several tens of years), is well suited for decorative work. Also oak wood is used in bridge building, shipbuilding and hydraulic engineering.

I would especially like to note the importance of oak in furniture production. Its wood has a positive effect on our body, cleanses the biofield, increases activity, fills with vital energy. It has been proven by medicine that the energy of this valuable material has a positive effect on the human heart and liver. Therefore, it is important that we are surrounded by furniture made of quality materials. In addition, oak is one of the few that has such a beautiful pattern and texture. Its color has a peculiarity to change, and if it initially has a light brown tint, then over time it can become a more noble dark color. The older the wood, the better it is, therefore, trees about 200 years old are usually used.

One cannot fail to mention natural parquet, especially made of valuable oak wood. Oak is used for making solid parquet boards, as well as decorative parquet. A wide variety of colors and textures allow you to show your imagination, and with the help of special tinting agents, oak boards can be given a white or light blue hue. The oak board has an unusually beautiful and clear pattern, and when making a solid board, not a single cut is formed, due to which the whole long history of wood, captured by nature, is depicted on the planks.

Beech is the second most valuable timber after oak. Beech grows in Europe, Western Asia, the Caucasus, the Crimea and is a slender columnar tree up to 50 meters high and up to 2 meters in diameter. Its bark is gray, smooth, darkens with age. Beech wood is white with a yellowish or reddish tint. Older trees have a reddish-brown wood, are rare and especially prized. The density of beech is similar to that of oak, making it a heavy hardwood.

Beech board is a good finishing material, it is well processed, has a smooth surface, is easy to stick and bend. Compared to oak, beech wood is more susceptible to fungal attack and absorbs moisture more strongly. Therefore, the use of beech for decoration of buildings has some limitations. Drying of beech is faster than oak and less cracking. By steaming, you can soften the wood and change its color.

Beech board is used for the manufacture of plywood, stairs, parquet. A good veneer is obtained from beech, which is used for finishing work. Also, due to the ability to bend and high strength, barrels are made from it, however, less often than from oak.

The main area of \u200b\u200bapplication of beech is furniture production, where the material can be used in solid wood, plywood, molded plywood or veneer. Solid beech is a good alternative to oak, which is not inferior in quality, but has a lower cost, and is suitable for the manufacture of durable modern furniture. The wood has a pleasant peach and pinkish tint, so beech furniture will help refresh the space. And even with a complex intricate design, it is impossible to overload the interior with beech furniture due to its shades. Beech is suitable for the manufacture of furniture that is particularly exposed to stress, such as nursery, office and seating for public places. Beech is used to make chairs (most commonly of all tree species), beds, tables, upholstered furniture frames, garden furniture, and sun loungers. Beech beds are almost as good as oak in terms of quality, but they are cheaper, significantly superior to pine both in quality and in cost, being, as it were, the middle link between these species. Beech furniture is a good choice for connoisseurs of noble tree species.

Most of all, beech furniture is suitable for indoor use, where humidity is stable; outdoors, special processing of the material is required by impregnating it with special solutions. After processing, the furniture can be used on open verandas or gazebos. Beech lends itself well to the process of artificial aging, for which many furniture manufacturers love it. From beech, just like from oak, it is good to make curved furniture.

Beech veneer is used for finishing works, walls and ceilings are covered with it. But veneer is used much less often than solid wood. A large area of \u200b\u200bapplication is also the production of things for everyday use. For example, kitchen utensils: cutting boards, knife handles, brushes, dishes, trays, clothespins. The material is also appreciated in the manufacture of toys, since it is quite hard and does not leave splinters.

As with any valuable wood, parquet is especially appreciated from beech. Its pleasant pinkish tint gives the room a cozy and discreet atmosphere. The wood structure is well suited for any interior. But it also has its own characteristics. The color scheme possessed beech board - from pinkish to white, varied, and to make the color more uniform and uniform, the material has to be steamed. The procedure takes three days, and if this is not done, the surface will be variegated. Beech parquet is soft, warm and pleasant, therefore it is preferable to use it in children's rooms.

Beech wood, together with coniferous species, has found its application in the production of containers. This is the manufacture of transport pallets, boxes, barrels from plywood or solid wood. Beech plywood sheets are used to make container loading platforms. Oil-impregnated beech sleepers are used in railway construction as well as in landscape design.

In addition to the listed advantages and a wide range of applications, beech wood is also good firewood that burns calmly and for a long time with a hot flame. The high combustion temperature of beech wood makes it an ideal fuel for grilling. Also, beech wood is a good raw material for quality charcoal.

Wood is widely used by man in various branches of economic activity. The properties of wood of a particular species determine the possibility of its use in a particular production. The final appearance of the product, its quality and durability depend on the correct choice of material.

Wood: properties of hardwood

Hardwood is characterized by an expressive structure and almost complete absence of odor. It is felt mainly immediately after the saw cut, as well as during processing. Most often, wood is used as a finishing and decorative material. Distinguish between ring-vascular (oak, ash, elm, etc.) and diffuse-vascular deciduous species (birch, beech, walnut, aspen, linden, etc.). They have a different character of the location of the vessels in the annual layer. Let us consider in more detail the properties and structure of wood of some hardwoods.


Oak wood has an expressive structure and beautiful color. The breed is sound. It has clearly visible annual layers, narrow sapwood, significantly different in color from the kernel, which can be light brown or dark brown.

Oak wood is characterized by high strength and bending ability. Due to the presence of tannins (in large quantities) it has the highest resistance to decay compared to all deciduous species.

The properties of oak wood contribute to the easy processing of the material, good coloring and polishing. It is widely used for carving, interior decoration and furniture making. Due to the large vessels, the material is characterized by good bendability without breaking the fibers. The mechanical properties of wood make it possible to use oak for the production of curved furniture.

A valuable material for finishing is which, as a result of prolonged exposure to water, acquires very high strength and, in most cases, an almost black color.


The breed is nuclear-free. The wood has a beautiful texture, white with a yellowish-red tint. Annual layers are clearly visible. Beech wood is similar in some physical and mechanical properties to oak. It is strong, dense, solid, easily bends, cut, processed with varnishes and paints. However, when it dries, it tends to warp, and is also unstable to decay, which is why it is practically not used for the manufacture of furniture.

Beech wood is more in demand in the manufacture of musical instruments, during some finishing work, in carving, etc.


It has a dark brown core and a light yellow wide sapwood with a beautiful grain pattern. Wood is characterized by high strength and toughness. It has good bending ability when steamed, has little tendency to cracking, practically does not warp when dried. Resistant to decay.

In terms of value, ash wood is equal to Used for finishing furniture and musical instruments. Valuable crafts are made of ash outgrowths (burls).

Birch tree

The most widely used in industry is warty birch. The breed is nuclear-free, has white wood with a yellowish or reddish tint. It is characterized by good strength and toughness. Hardness and density are medium.

It is convenient to work with the material. Well cut, drilled, and easily polished, glued and painted. However, despite all the positive properties of birch wood, there are some of its disadvantages. It is practically unstable to decay, dries out strongly, warps. But this does not affect the demand for this material for finishing work, since the properties of birch wood make it possible to simulate various valuable species. Also, the material is used for the production of a number of other products of veneer blocks, skis, etc.).

Karelian birch wood has a very unusual texture. Broken heart-shaped rays, wavy annual layers and dormant buds in the form of dark stripes combine to create a beautiful speckled surface. The material is used for the manufacture of art products, furniture veneering.


It has a dark brown core and a yellowish-white sapwood. The material is durable, hard, dense, viscous. During the drying process, it does not crack or warp. However, due to the too dense structure, penetrated by small pores, the processing (in particular polishing) of this material becomes much more complicated.

It is used in joinery works. When steamed, it lends itself well to bending, thanks to which it is used for the manufacture of curved parts. For turning crafts, beads (mouth guards) on the elm are especially valuable.


The wood has a rich tonal range as well as a variety of textures. The color varies from light brownish gray to almost black. When freshly cut, the wood is light, gradually darkens over time. It is characterized by strength, moderate hardness, high resistance to decay. Holds its shape, does not shrink, and is easy to process. Well polished, cut, glued and impregnated.

It is used mainly for interior decoration, furniture, for the manufacture of carved products.


In the process of storage in a felled form, aspen wood acquires a white color with a slightly noticeable greenish tint. Heart-shaped rays and annual layers are practically invisible. A distinctive feature of aspen wood is the almost complete absence of knots. It has high resistance to moisture, does not warp, practically does not crack. Aspen is easy to work with. It is soft, pliable, well cut, pricked, easily polished, glued reliably. The disadvantage of aspen is quick drying.

The properties and structure of wood determine its use for the production of plywood, the manufacture of matches, dishes, toys and other small items.


The natural color of alder wood ranges from white to pale brown. After the felling, as a result of interaction with air, it changes to red-brown in a short time.

Wood is not particularly durable, it can warp when dried, but it has a number of positive technological properties, as it is characterized by lightness, moderate hygroscopicity and softness. It can be cut, polished, glued and painted without any problems. It has no smell and does not absorb foreign aromas. Differs in strong resistance to decay, which is why it is often used for equipping wells, as well as storerooms. In addition, it is used for carving and finishing work. The physical properties of alder wood make it possible to imitate some wood species (for example, mahogany and ebony).


The wood is white, with a slight pinkish tint. Growth rings are practically invisible. It is characterized by a homogeneous structure and strength. Such properties of linden wood as lightness, softness and toughness make it possible to easily process the material in all directions, both by hand and on it. It is well colored, glued, and keeps its shape. The wood is resistant to decay, does not crack or warp during drying.

Due to its strong structure and low deformation, linden is used for the manufacture of large pieces of carved furniture. Also, drawing boards, pencils, dishes, etc. are made of this material.


The wood is reddish white or pinkish brown in color. The younger the tree, the lighter the color. The texture is uniform in density, the pith rays and annual rings are poorly visible. The material is hard, dense, heavy, characterized by high compressive strength. The mechanical properties of pear wood are superior to oak and ash. In the process of drying, it practically does not warp or crack. Cuts pretty well in all directions. Easy to polish and paint.

It is often used as a material for furniture decoration, for carving, mosaic work. The physical properties of pear wood make it possible to make ebony imitations from it.

Apple tree

The wood is pink in color with bright red veins, hard, heavy, rather viscous, has a homogeneous structure. It is characterized by high strength and durability. Apple wood is prone to strong shrinkage and warping, so it is better to use it dried. The material is well polished, polished, painted. When impregnated with linseed oil or linseed oil, it becomes dark brown. It is mainly used for the manufacture of carpentry and joinery.

The main properties of coniferous wood

Coniferous wood is characterized by a specific resinous smell, a more pronounced macrostructure and higher biostability compared to deciduous species. These properties of wood of various species belonging to conifers contribute to their widespread use in construction and the production of various consumer goods. Conifers include pine, spruce, larch, yew, fir, cedar and juniper.


The color of sapwood in pine can be from pale yellow to reddish yellow, the kernel - from pink to brownish red. It is characterized by a rather pronounced striped texture. The core rays are not visible. Growth rings are clearly visible in all sections.

The wood is strong, soft, lightweight, very prickly. Due to the large amount of resin it is characterized by increased resistance to decay. After drying, it practically does not warp. It is easy to process, it is well sawn and cut, it sticks together relatively well.

The high technological properties of pine wood and its wide distribution make it the most commonly used of all conifers. The material is used in construction (both civil and industrial), furniture, joinery and parquet industries. In addition, pine is used to make musical instruments, plywood, barrels, etc.


Spruce wood is characterized by softness, lightness, good toughness. A distinctive feature is the extremely uniform fiber distribution. The physical and mechanical properties of spruce wood are inferior to pine in a number of indicators. It has lower strength and resin content, which makes it less resistant to precipitation and other weathering. Due to its less pliable structure and a large number of knots, spruce wood is more difficult to process.

The material is mainly used in the manufacture of furniture. Also, spruce is used to make string instruments (in particular, violins), since no other tree is capable of producing such a resonance.


It has a narrow light sapwood and a reddish-brown core. Hard, resilient, resinous, extremely rot-resistant wood. The properties of larch wood, both physical and mechanical, are quite high. Distinctive features of the material are strength and durability. It is also characterized by a high density, which increases significantly with drying (to such an extent that a nail is not hammered into it).

Due to its high physical and mechanical properties, larch is widely used. It is an irreplaceable material for construction work. The parquet made of larch wood is highly durable and has a very long service life. Its beautiful texture and high resistance to warpage make it a valuable material in furniture production.

Siberian cedar

The wood is pinkish in color with a beautiful texture pattern. Growth rings are clearly visible in all sections. Differs in lightness and softness. In terms of technological properties, cedar is inferior to pine, but outperforms spruce. The material lends itself well to processing, but not very resistant to decay.

Cedar wood has resonant properties, due to which musical instruments (guitars, harps, grand pianos) are made from it. In addition, it is used for the manufacture of furniture, in the manufacture of pencils, etc.


Fir wood is similar in structure to pine wood. It is quite strong and dense, easy to handle. But it contains few resinous substances, which is why it is characterized by low resistance to decay and requires additional processing.

Fir wood is often used in the construction of houses for the production of window and door blocks, flooring. Also, this material is widely used for carving work.


It has a narrow yellowish-white sapwood and a brownish-red core. The annual layers are characterized by a sinuous shape and are clearly visible in all sections. Yew is included in the list of species called "mahogany". Solid, heavy, dense wood. The properties of wood are mostly positive. Possesses high resistance to decay. Good in processing, polishing and staining. It is considered one of the best materials used in finishing, turning and joinery work. Caps are very valuable, often formed on the trunks of yew and are used mainly as a finishing material.


The wood of the shrub is characterized by a sap-white-white color and a yellowish-brown core. It has wavy annual layers, which are clearly visible on all sections. Heart-shaped rays are not visible.

The wood is strong and heavy. Differs in resistance to decay, almost does not lose in volume during drying and practically does not swell when interacting with moisture. The more dry the material, the more beautiful the cut. It lends itself well to processing, polishing and painting.

The use of the material is somewhat limited due to the small size of the bush trunks. Most often, juniper wood is used for carving, making decorative products, small crafts, toys, turning products, etc.